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Aug 3, 20222 min read
Overcoming Obstacles: Do these create purpose in your life?
Many of us live our daily lives with worry. We worry about money, health, relationships, and the future, to name a few. We worry if there...
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Jul 10, 20223 min read
Rinse and Repeat: Mirroring, Play, and Pups
One of the best things about having a dog is meeting other dogs. My neighborhood is full of them. In fact, I can't believe that pretty...
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Apr 6, 20223 min read
Exhaustion: It's Not What You Think
Is anyone else exhausted? I know I am, and I'm seeing this in everyone in my world--friends, family, clients. Exhaustion is not "tired."...
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Feb 21, 20222 min read
Removing the filter: Allowing your body to speak
The other day, one of my long time yin yoga students said something I've been thinking about ever since--that practicing yin with me...
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Jan 15, 20223 min read
Fundamentals: It's what's for dinner
I've always loved the basics, whether it's yoga, writing, or teaching. There's something so important and interesting to me about...
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Dec 24, 20214 min read
Holidays: Disconnect and Reconnect
Holidays are tough. They bring up A LOT of emotions for people. Too many get togethers, too many people, too much interaction. Or, the...
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Dec 8, 20214 min read
And Here's EMMIE!!
It's been 5 1/2 years since Reggie, my best Frenchie boy. Five and a half years is a LONG time, especially when you've always had dogs in...
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Nov 23, 20214 min read
Letting go of Self-Punishment: the subconscious programming to protect
When things feel better, here's what sometimes happens Most of us have been stuck in low vibe energies for so long we can't imagine...
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Oct 12, 20213 min read
Connecting in the Present with Dogs
"Be in the present moment" is something we hear, but for most of us, that simple sounding directive is actually quite challenging. We are...
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Sep 22, 20214 min read
Stop Justifying and Just Choose
How often do you find yourself or others saying things like “I bought this because it was on sale,” “I’m going on a #vacation because...
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Sep 9, 20214 min read
What Happens to Our Energy When Others Struggle?
What Happens to Our Energy When Others Struggle? For empaths, intuitives, and anyone who is a sensitive being, it is really hard to watch...
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Aug 24, 20213 min read
Yin Yoga: The Ultimate Observer
When I first discovered Yin yoga, I knew it was the real deal. My body resonated with the practice on a deep level with immediacy, and I...
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Aug 2, 20213 min read
Reggie, Food and Ownership
The black licorice incident Most humans (myself included) and dogs LOVE food, but Reggie REALLY REALLY REALY loved food. (Perhaps it...
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Julie Sanford
May 28, 20213 min read
Whose Energies Are These Anyway?
Did you know that many of the #emotions and energies you’re feeling are not even yours? We are running programs and beliefs all the time...
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Julie Sanford
May 12, 20214 min read
Inner Child: Important Ally or Party Crasher
Most of us have heard of the concept called the “inner child” but may not understand how she affects us, what her important role is, how...
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